Monthly News

“Single Digital Market”: Europe and its historical origins on 2.0 version.

Reflecting on history, comes to mind that the European Union grew out of the idea of a “European Single Market”, which was crowned by the Treaties of Rome on 1958, instituting the “Common European Market”. In a not dissimilar way, today we are talking about “Single Digital Market”, as...

Pudong Free Trade Zone (Shanghai)

China, one of the few countries who not experienced any kind of economic stop, vaunting a growth rate per annum equal to approximately 7.8% in 2013. China is a State with a solid economy and great economic potentialities but, at the same time, dangers and risks are not missing because of an ...

Una opportunità per le imprese: i finanziamenti della legge 133/2008

Negli ultimi anni sono state molteplici le iniziative stanziate dal Ministero dell’E- conomia e delle Finanze, poi dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MISE), in collaborazioni con diverse amministrazioni ed enti, anche costituiti ad hoc, come Simest S.p.A, Finest e Sace, volte alla ...